We do not collect any personally identifiable information about you when you visit our website. This means that we do not ask for or collect your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, or any other type of personal information, unless you either place an order, or sign up for a course.
We use WooCommerce for our online store. We have turned off tracking for this product. We do accept payments using the Stripe platform. If you transact with us, you might be interested to read Stripe’s privacy policy here.
The website is protected by Cloudflare. You can read Cloudflare’s privacy policy here. Additionally, we use CleanTalk SpamFireWall for anti-spam protection. They evaluate your IP address against a known blacklist. You can read CleanTalk’s privacy policy here.
We use the non-personal information that we collect to improve the performance and functionality of our website. For example, we might use your IP address to help us identify and diagnose technical issues or bugs on our website. These logs are purged within three days.